This week on DC Sports Spotlight, Joey Keeran chatted with Brevin Harrison (5:27), a senior on the Roseburg baseball team, about his complete-game victory against South Medford. Addison Roberts (17:58) from the Roseburg girls tennis team joined the show to talk about her strong play to begin the season and joining the team for the first year. And Sutherlin’s Rylan Bryant (29:08) talked about his big performance in the throwing events at a track and field meet at Siuslaw High School over the weekend.
About DC Sports Spotlight:
DC Sports Spotlight is a one-hour focus on the acheivements and accomplishments of student-athletes in Douglas County, Oregon. Host Joey Keeran will talk to players and coaches from around the region to share their stories and successes every Wednesday at 6 p.m. during the school year on The Score 92.3 FM/1490 AM.
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